

What Size Diaper Bag Do I Need?

A baby diaper bag needs to be able to accommodate all the items you will need for taking baby out. These items include diapers, wipes, blankets, clothes, pacifiers, formula, bottles, clippers, powder, ointment, bottles of water, baby medicines, burp cloths, etc. Some parents have a couple of different sized baby diaper bags for different occasions. A small bag is great for a quick trip to the grocery store. A large bag on the other hand, is better for an all day outing.

When looking at bags, here are several things you need to consider:

How large/small is the bag? – Can you fit all the necessary items you will need for all day? Is the bag small and more useful for a quick trip? I recommend buying at least two bags. Having at least two different baby diaper bags will save you from having to take one that isn’t the appropriate size on a trip.

Are there compartments for the smaller items? – Most diaper bags now have small pockets on the inside of the bag for clippers, formula packets, and other small items that can easily get lost in a larger bag. Most bags also have plastic travel cases for wipes so won’t have to take the whole package with you.

How many extra diapers/clothes can I fit? – Always pack more than you think you’ll need for a trip.

Is it affordable? – Diaper bags will get dirty and torn up from constant use. If you’re on a tight budget or don’t want to spend money all the time on new bags, make sure that the bag you pick will hold up and isn’t too expensive if you have to replace it.Hopefully these tips will make shopping for a baby diaper bag easier. You can find one that is perfect for what you need and just as cute the designer diaper bag that costs twice as much. Just remember to use these tips when you’re searching for one and you’ll be sure to find the right bag for you!
About the Author
LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Diaper Bags on the web. BabyAge carries many styles of Designer Diaper Bags . Many styles to suit new moms!
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6 Survival Tips On How to Be A Working Mom

Do you remember the first time you left the house just after your first child was born? There were so many things to remember: diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, change of clothes for baby, change of clothes for Mummy, burpie pads, change pad...the list goes on. And just before you were ready to go out the door one of two things undoubtedly happened: you guessed it, a poop or baby was hungry! It seemed so stressful!

Well this is just a small taste of the challenges you will face when you begin working out of the home. But this time, you need to dress for success as well as have the kid(s) ready for daycare or school with enough time for you to get a coffee or tea on the way to work without being late!

If you have chosen to go to back to the "corporate" or business world, then you will have some transitioning to do. In order to make the transition as stress free as possible for you and your family, I recommend several helpful tips. Being organized will make all the difference in the world. You will save precious time and money. Make sure your mind is clutter free by writing down all the things you need to take into consideration before returning to work.


Tip 1: Most important is daycare I suggest doing one to two weeks trial basis before you really need day care. This way you can see if it is a good fit for everyone. This prepares the children for their new routine as well.

Tip 2: Image The image of your resume. The image of yourself & how do you imagine this new way of life looking. To save valuable time in the mornings you will want to make sure your wardrobe is completely organized. You will want to make sure your "career" look is fast & easy yet professional. A quick skin care and glamour look are a must.

Tip 3: Pre-plan your meals Cook & Shop on one day for the entire week. This really saves loads of time and money. Make all the lunches for the next day the night before. This is a stress reliever for the morning.

Tip 4: Have reliable transportation in place There is nothing like a dead battery to set the mood for the day.

Tip 5: Have a plan B in place for all the "what if's What if you are sick. What if the kids are sick? What if the day care is closed for the day etc?

Tip 6: Take care of yourself 1st. Make sure you are ready for anything and everything. Don't be hard on yourself and don't try to do it all. Pamper yourself at least once a week with a bubble bath. Read a good book. Arrange a date with your mate. You will be ready to take on the next week with vim and vigor.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on "enhancing faces and clearing spaces" to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

For more information on Image Organizing™ or Getting It Together go to Rowena's website at or contact her directly at

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Different Types Of Diaper Bags

Diaper bags are a mother’s best friend. The name indicates the bag is designed for carrying diapers, but they are so much more. They are a purse, changer and feeder all in one. Modern sdiaper bags play a number of roles and with trendy styles look just as great with baby in tow as with hubby in tow. Unique designer diaper bags are popping up all over and are the trendy choice among moms. Personalized bags are part of the new wave in diaper bag fashion and have become a huge hit at baby showers.

The basic requirement for a diaper bag is to provide enough space for diapers. After all that’s what they’re called. The modern day has brought about diaper bags which not only provide space for diapers, but also for bottles, toys, clothing, camera, keys and cell phones. Separate compartments and storage areas are sprinkled throughout the bag in order to maximize space. Some diaper bags come equipped with a changing pad so mom can change baby on the spot. As with anything carried by a mother, fashion has stepped to the forefront in diaper bag design. Some diaper bags work just as well as a day bag for mom while running errands as it is with cleaning dirty diapers. Designer bags from the trendiest designers are becoming some of the most popular bags around.

Diaper bags come in three basic styles. Diaper bag totes are the most common diaper bags. They are as stylish as designer handbags and often times are the ones that double as handbags. Diaper bag totes don’t have as many storage pockets as backpacks but are often more aesthetically appealing. Diaper bag backpacks make toting supplies easier because they are hands free. The backpack features a lot of storage space and pockets for carrying anything from diapers to a pair of dresses. Diaper bag slings are the latest trend in diaper bags. They resemble messenger bags and make life easier on the shoulders and back. Dad will love to carry around the diaper bag sling because it doesn’t resemble the prototypical diaper bag and can often be mistaken for a professional bag.

The type of closure is important in diaper bag selection. Accessing the contents quickly and efficiently may be easier for some with zipper top. The zipper top is most common seen while the snap or tie helps open the bag quickly too. But, the contents can easily spill out with snap or tie opening. Most bags can wipe down easily with warm water. Insulated pouches can be found in high end bags.

As much as convenience is important, style is just as big with a diaper bag. If mom is going to have to wear it she is going to want it for her look. The selection of the right diaper bag will give mom confidence while out with baby.

About the Author

LynnMarie is On-Line Editor for which is one of the top online retailers of Diaper Bags carrying a wide variety of the newest trend, the Diaper Bag Sling for you to choose from.
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Choosing Baby Diapers

Just two decades ago, baby diapers did not figure prominently into new parents’ shopping decisions. The only issues were how well you could keep them stocked and how easily you could get rid of them when they were used. Those were the heady pre-1990s days when the only diapers were the simple ones you’d get in the store in packs of 50, and cloth diapers were something only grandma remembered.

Nowadays, people have been reconsidering the awful wastefulness of disposable baby diapers and taking a second look at cloth. Cloth diaper cleaning services have stepped up to the challenge, providing a new range of options, and a new range of buying decisions. Meanwhile, disposable diapers now offer so many different features that you might feel as though you were buying from the Swiss Army catalog.

Disposable Baby Diapers vs. Cloth Diapers

As you might expect, disposable baby diapers are usually considered the most convenient option. But the picture is not so sweet-smelling for disposable diapers, nor are cloth diapers the horror you might imagine.

Disposable diapers cannot simply be thrown out in the wastebasket, unless you and everyone else in your house has a non-functioning sense of smell. You will need to take care to dispose of diapers in a hygienic way, often in the special baby diaper disposal unit.

Cloth baby diapers will often be handled the same way as cloth diapers: put in a special box or bag that will hopefully protect the nostrils of your home’s residents. Only instead of throwing them out with the trash, you leave them out to be picked up by the diaper cleaning service in your area (naturally, you need to check that your area has such a service, look into whether it has door pickup service, and get yourself on the list, before you leave a steaming bag on your doorstep). You may also take the diapers to the company that will clean them for you.

For lots of helpful information on

diaper bags and other baby related topics, visit Nr1 Baby Products at


Your Diaper Bag - What to Pack

One thing is for sure─when you have a baby you must be super organised. And your diaper bag (also called a nappy or baby bag) is going to become one of your best friends! You are going to be carrying it 24/7 so it’s essential that you are happy with the bag you choose.

Gone are the days when you could fly out the door, teeny-tiny purse or bag in hand. Now you’ve got kids, organising your diaper bag is a serious task.

A well-organised diaper bag is going to make your life a lot easier. Keep it organised (and simple) and trips out with baby will be a breeze!

Essential Diaper Bag Items
(These are suggestions and you don’t have to pack it all!)

Spare diapers
Portable change pad/mat
Bay wipes in a travel case
Nappy cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
Nappy sacks/bags

For Breastfeeding mums
Bottle of water
Spare breast pads
Breastfeeding cover/muslin
Spare nursing bra (just in case!)

Food and drink
Formula dispenser
Bottle warmer/insulater (many diaper bags have an in-built one)
Snacks (age appropriate for child)
Water cup (leak-proof is best)
Bibs (at least two)
Burp cloths/muslins
Plastic bags

Clothing and Accessories
Thin cotton wrap/blanket
Muslin (great for draping over pram)
Vest or onesie
Spare outfit or sleepsuit
Spare pacifier/dummy/binky
Plastic or zip lock bags for dirty items
Toys, rattles, teething rings, books

Hand cream (to keep hands supple from all the hand washing you have to do!)
Anti-bacterial hand liquid (to freshen up hands if no soap and water is nearby
Anti-bacterial wipes to wipe down surfaces or items that fall on ground
Sunscreen (for you and baby)
Headache/pain relief tablets (for you!)
Nursing pads (essential for those first weeks after baby has arrived)

Emergency contacts/address book
Lip gloss/balm
Hair brush
Hair tie
Purse (with all your essential cards and items of ID)

Top Tips

Always have a diaper bag that is packed and ready to go. Obviously, you’ll need to organise and update regularly but I found having one that was in an accessible place and organised was great if I had a last-minute or unexpected place to go or errand to run.

Think about practicality. Obviously, it’s great to look hip and stylish but if your diaper bag is a hindrance, rather than a help then you can waste a lot of money.

Have a special diaper bag for daddy. We bought a non-gender specific style for my husband. I make sure this is always organized and replenished so that he’s always ready to go!

Choose a bag that you will be happy to use even after your baby is out of diapers. Diaper bags are great for general use as well. (I love the pockets!)

Emily is near-obsessed in her quest to find the perfect diaper bag. She is the editor/webmaster of

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Emily Webb - EzineArticles Expert Author


Baby Diaper Bag Backpack - Can Backpack Diaper Bags Really Hold Everything?

The days when diaper bags looked like extremely large, plastic tote bags are over. I remember how hard it was to lug that gigantic thing around when I was trying to carry my baby, my own personal items, and a millions other things at the same time. I was just a disaster waiting to happen, until I discovered the back diaper bag. These may sound simple, but let me tell you that nothing could have made traveling with my babies easier than that did.

The back diaper bag can carry everything for you and baby such as:

  • disposable diapers
  • baby lotion
  • bottles
  • clothing
  • diaper rash treatments
  • cloth diapers

You can carry almost everything in these things. Backpack diaper bags are also made so that they can repel water just like the shoulder bags, but they are quite stylish. You can find backpack diaper bags in many different styles, colors, and designs so that you can still be fashionable while carrying it. They are sleek and chic. If you prefer to use designer items, you can get designer backpack diaper bags as well. Such high end stores like Bloomingdale's, Macy's and many others have diaper bag collections that you can choose from. Even brand names like Gucci, Prada, Nordstrom, and Fendi offer the designer loving parents the chance to carry baby’s items in style.

They even make less expensive diaper bags so that the average non-rich person like me can buy one. I bought a denim backpack diaper bag from Gucci and it was only $50. Not bad if you ask me. I would do it again, as I love the added style and convenience of the designer diaper backpack diaper bag. You can find these great items at any online resource, or you can find them at your local department or discount store. It will certainly make traveling easier.

Even men have to tote diapers around sometimes and Michael Jennings prefers to look cool when doing so using a diaper backpack. To see other cool diaper bag ideas visit his website on Trendy Diaper Bags.

The Perfect Designer Diaper Bag - 5 Must-Have Diaper Bag Features You Can't Live Without

If you’re starting to feel as if you are spending more time, energy and thought selecting the perfect diaper bag than you put into choosing your child’s name, then this list of must-have diaper bag features is sure to rescue you! Choosing the ideal designer diaper bag is a big decision. Quality, well-crafted, stylish diaper bags are not cheap. A high-quality diaper bag is an investment that is well worth the price as you will be toting this bag everywhere for several years.

As a mom you are busy, on-the-go, with things to do and places to be. You will want to select a diaper bag that offers you all the unique features you need to fit your individual lifestyle. There is an overwhelming choice of diaper bags on the market now and the sheer volume of the selection can be intimidating. The following features are considered ‘must-haves’ by busy, on-the-go moms just like you:

Secure closure with easy, one-handed access to opening – A difficult combination is a secure closure with an easy-to-access opening. You want to ensure your baby bottles, toys and diapers won’t go tumbling across the room, yet you want to be able to access the contents easily and quickly. A diaper bag closure that offers security and functionality is a durable magnetic snap front closure. A good magnetic snap will hold the content of your bag intact even if your bag goes tumbling. Yet, a firm one-handed tug on the flap easily opens the bag and allows you to grab what you need quickly.

Durable, easy-cleaning exterior fabric – Your diaper bag goes with you everywhere: supermarket, playdates, mall, park. It is going to be exposed to dirt and unidentified sticky things. A durable, easy-cleaning exterior fabric is absolutely essential. A laminated, waterproof vinyl exterior fabric is ideal for protecting the exterior and providing easy clean-up. A high-quality designer diaper bag offers this fully functional exterior fabric without looking at all too shiny and plastic-looking.

Functional straps or handles – Strap length and width is a personal preference, yet choosing a diaper bag with a strap or handles (some offer both) that are not-too-thin and securely attached to the bag is essential. Many diaper bags are also available with multi-purpose straps, which can convert your baby bag from an over the shoulder tote, to a messenger style bag, and then to a stroller bag.

Compartmentalization / Custom-sized pockets – The more pockets the better. You will want to keep your diaper-changing pad segregated from the baby bottles and your extra baby clothes separate from your sippy cups. Interior dividers and pockets that are waterproof and easy-cleaning are the best kind. In addition, many designer diaper bags now offer custom-sized pockets, each sized appropriately for the accessories that a mom carries in her diaper bag: cell phone, keys, wallet, baby bottles, diaper changing pad, PDA. Custom-fitted pockets allow easy access to specific items without scouring through a pile of jumbled objects.
Stylish design – A great diaper bag should carry you through the first years of your baby’s life. Select a design that is stylish and fits your individual tastes. With so many diaper bag designs and styles available, you are sure to find the perfect fashionable diaper bag with all the above ‘must-have’ features for you and your baby!

A vast selection designer diaper bag styles and designs can be found at Rosenberry Rooms is an online children’s store offering an expansive selection of children’s artwork, furniture, bedding, diaper bags and accessories. Choose from the hundreds of styles of designer diaper bags available at Renowned for offering high quality childrens' room décor, you will be sure to find the style and décor to fit your individual child at
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